"damn, what the hell."
the phone rings.
i wonder if it's from punching the tree.
no, all it left was a quick cut. already scabbed over by the time i got home.
maybe it's because my stomach feels like it's being held by a wood clamp.
grinding clock-wise. it feels like it's twisted three times over. nah.
it's only causing the pizza to inch up my throat. it's pretty close to dancing with my tonsils.
it won't be a pretty dance.
maybe it's this damn head cold. i swear sweat and wind chill do not mix well.
too efficient. like turning on the AC during a winter storm. eff my life is all that throbs.
it does feel like an eight hundred pound gorilla is gripping the back of my neck and my forehead.
son of a bitch won't let go.
at the end of it. i think what really makes my hand shake, and my nerves all wound up
are these mother bleeping thoughts swirling in my head. i swear, it has to be the fifth five-minute round. we're closing in on the last minute. waiting for the paddle-clap at ten seconds.
feel about ready to submit to these bastard thoughts. or maybe i'll come through
like anderson silva when he fought chael sonnen. just give me a few more seconds.
yeah. that's it. i'm gonna knock his ass out.
the phone stops ringing.
"hey, ted! you called?"
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