Saturday, February 26, 2011

For some, there is no depth. Not an ounce of character or a drop of dignity. There is only a pretty voice with pretty clothes hung on a pretty frame. It is sweet for a man to look at--heck, I think we're naturally geared towards pretty sights like pretty lights. But a man cannot warm himself or sustain himself from pretty lights. A man needs fire for warmth and the sun for growth. Pretty lights are cute for a season, but it is distasteful to leave pretty lights up for long. After a long winter season, the soul longs for July. After a long day of work, a man rests his eyes, hangs up his boots, and props his feet near the hearth. The eyes will soon dim to pretty lights, and the soul will crave for character, and beauty unseen.

A woman of noble character, who can find? She is far more precious than pretty things.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cold calling:
I feel like a bee in someone's ear.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'll travel to see the sun rise;
You'll see it set on fire again

The difference in place will hurt,
but the reunion will outweigh the absence