Sunday, December 19, 2010

What kind of man are you?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can I combine 26 letters in enough ways?
Will 100 trillion synapses firing away suffice?
Towels, dishes, sandals, and all the other ordinary things in our lives reveal what we are made of more quickly than anything else.

Oswald Chambers

Saturday, December 11, 2010

my hand shakes as i hold the phone to my ear
"damn, what the hell."
the phone rings.

i wonder if it's from punching the tree.
no, all it left was a quick cut. already scabbed over by the time i got home.
maybe it's because my stomach feels like it's being held by a wood clamp.
grinding clock-wise. it feels like it's twisted three times over. nah.
it's only causing the pizza to inch up my throat. it's pretty close to dancing with my tonsils.
it won't be a pretty dance.
maybe it's this damn head cold. i swear sweat and wind chill do not mix well.
too efficient. like turning on the AC during a winter storm. eff my life is all that throbs.
it does feel like an eight hundred pound gorilla is gripping the back of my neck and my forehead.
son of a bitch won't let go.
at the end of it. i think what really makes my hand shake, and my nerves all wound up
are these mother bleeping thoughts swirling in my head. i swear, it has to be the fifth five-minute round. we're closing in on the last minute. waiting for the paddle-clap at ten seconds.
feel about ready to submit to these bastard thoughts. or maybe i'll come through
like anderson silva when he fought chael sonnen. just give me a few more seconds.
yeah. that's it. i'm gonna knock his ass out.

the phone stops ringing.
"hey, ted! you called?"

Friday, December 10, 2010

5 Months

In an effort to prepare for the desert
I collect droplets of water

How precious each splash
that will sustain me and save me in drought

It's because of these morsels called memories
that with you, I'll be able to live without

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I don't like hearing and reading phrases like "RIP Phone" or "I looooooove food!"

The reason I don't like it is because we mingle something so weighty, words so great to trivialities. I suppose we have come to a point in our culture where material loss is just as bad as emotional, physical loss of loved ones. What words will you reserve for your best friend's epitaph? We've also reached the waistline and sheer lust for food that we will say "I love food" with 23 o's. There will be no more O's left over to say you l_ve your wife.

I want to make an effort to not think, talk, or live this way: placing lofty meanings to complete frivolous bull crap. Don't let them hold hands. One will soil the other. Let me reserve real words for real emotion, real tragedy, real success. Not food, never to phones.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The requirements of a soul are high
Neglected souls can do nothing but shrivel
They will shrink to the size of marbles and fruit flies
Indestructibly hard and prone to suck on rotting food.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sometimes one needs to ask the question:
What the hell are you trying to prove?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I hope you don't mind.

I itch to spill it all here, instead of keeping ish bottled up inside.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

From the looks of it, it appears that I enjoy my aquarium-keeping hobby too much.
You must know, however, that in an instant I would shatter all the glass in my room for you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

[Watching seahorses on TV]
All : Ooooh, nice.
Brother : Oh, whatever. Uhmma, you wanna eat that huh?
Uhmma: With Gochoojjang
Brother: Damn Koreans.

[Baby fish series on TV]
Uhmma: Ooh, ggongchi! We can make jjigae.
Brother: You want to eat everything on this show.

[Fish breeding]
Sister: Ewwwwww, we eat that in sushi.

Friday, November 19, 2010

C.S. Lewis on George Herbert

"Here was a man who seemed to me to excel all the authors
I had read in conveying the very quality of life as we live it
from moment to moment, but the wretched fellow, instead
of doing it all directly, insisted on mediating it through
what I still would have called the "Christian mythology."
The upshot of it all could nearly be expressed, "Christians
are wrong, but all the rest are bores."

John Piper on William Cowper

From the standpoint of adventure or politics or public engagement his life was utterly uneventful. The kind of life no child would ever choose to read about. But for those of us who are older we have come to see that the events of the soul are probably the most important events in life. And the battles in this man's soul were of epic proportions.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tell me what's important.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Never feel sorry for a Christian who has gone to sleep.
Because it is likely he is shaking the heavens with mighty laughter.
I hold my breath
This is how I keep things in
If I exhale
I swear I'll lose it
The dams will rupture
and my spine will break
it will all fall
like a million pennies
on the kitchen floor.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God is in the business of restoration.
Even, or perhaps especially, in the most dire of situation and circumstances that heart and feet take you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

See, look. There it goes. That shriveling thing. Yeah, there it goes writhing. Like a wet worm on a hot sidewalk. It burns and squirms. There it is, drying up into a corpse. It's almost there. My soul. Leave it be. Turn away, it's starting to get ugly. Plug your ears. Don't hear it scream. It will curl your veins into knots. Boy, it doesn't go without a fight. There it goes trying to drag its body and muster it up into being again. Useless. Hopeless. How sad. Leave it be. Just turn away.


This movie is deep, son.
and learn

Saturday, November 6, 2010

what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is my resolution:
to live life on the brink of tears
on the precipice of death due to persecution
for doing right, nothing just,
just the unjust
doing what they think is right

i will stand
but i just won't stand
i'll go
i'll run into the arms of danger
with my arms ready to embrace, to love
wielding love like a dagger
swiftly making surgical cuts
severing evil from the root
from the heart, the wellspring
it will hurt and offend
i am sure
the proud do not accept kindness so willingly
but what else can you do
but run with tears in your eyes
into the heart of darkness
to shoot love from your mouth
and emit light from your irises

Monday, November 1, 2010

let it creep
let it wander
it will end up somewhere
let loose the reigns
close your eyes
you'll go somewhere

but it won't be no place good.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time flies certainly
Without emotion
Straight forward it goes
If you blink,
it will pass you by
without question
without concern
Time goes by so cold

Life is short,
even 90 comes in a heartbeat
How would I have liked to live when I come to that age?
Would I have liked to take my life
and live it to its utmost
to live recklessly in service for others?
fling my cares on the floor
to help others from it?
I think I would like to let myself pass
let thoughts of self diminish and die
to allocate all resources all faculties
to one cause and purpose:
the promotion of the wellbeing of others.

what does it mean to promote others?
help them to heaven, al.
that's the point.

now shut up, and go. do.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The rain pattered lightly behind me through the glass door to the balcony. I heard gentle rumblings of thunder. It's official: Autumn is here.

The lights turned to a buzzing halt. "Oh, that's just the timer", I commented to my brother. The light over my aquarium had just turned off, making invisible the tiny red shrimp.

When the light left, it seemed like sound left too. I moved about silently. I look to my alarm clock to see the time, but it had dimmed. As twilight was winding down, I could see only through squinted eyes. All the lights in the house had died.

I immediately went to my room to light candles. My brother went to his room and shut the door. He had to sleep. I rummaged through my room in search of more candles. The quickening darkness induced slight panic. I moved more frenetically than I wished. Dammit, why was I so paranoid? I consciously took a deep breath to collect myself.

Think, now, think: big candles on top of the bureau. Small candles in the second drawer to the bottom behind the stack of old term papers. A flashlight and a headlamp in the car. 300 dollars in the third drawer on the right. Knife under the bedside table. Camping pack under the desk. Firewood in the backyard in the dry area near the house. Kindling at the front door. Packs of water bottles in hyung's room, umma's room, and garage. Enough dry food to get by a few days. Shrimp to eat in the aquarium.

I lit two of the large candles and placed them on the desk. One was much brighter than the other. The second seemed to only be growing dimmer. I picked up my full-tang survival knife, attached the bottom portion to my thigh and the upper part buttoned to my belt loop. I threw on my insulated fleece and zipped up the lighter in its pocket. I flung my camping backpack over my shoulders and grabbed the bag of mini candles. I walked out of the room into the dark blue hallway. Twilight was transforming into night. Thank God for this fruity-smelling candle.

I went to the backyard, squeezing between old bikes and broken laundry machines. Sucking in my stomach to reach the wood pieces, I grabbed an old Ikea desk. This will do for now. I went inside, this time my dog followed me. I dropped the broken desk at the fireplace, and went to the kitchen for newspapers and the dog's bed. Upon return to the living room, I had the fire started in minutes and with more paper than necessary. Conserve the paper, you never know how long this will last. You'll regret it if this turns into something terrible. I went to the front door and unlocked it. I went to the left to pick up some kindling. I looked out into the front courtyard. If the light posts had life, you'd see the well-manicured lawn and the weeping willows, instead it was dark completely. On the black canvas I imagined looters trying to steal from us, like our television. Then as I was about to settle back inside, I opened my mailbox and saw with the scented candle an iron lever I had found as a child near the landscaper's tool shed. I haven't seen this in years. We'll bring this in--just in case. I brought in the lever after I lined the kindling in arms reach of the door.

The fire beginning so bright had settled into an amber glow with a powerful heat. I left comfortably knowing it would last without attention for another half hour. I left the room and my dog skipped alongside. He was oblivious to the happenings. He seemed to be having fun while I was in survival mode. I began to pour water for myself, but did not stop with one. I filled up every glass in our cabinet. If something indeed terrible was triggered, water could get contaminated and it could be scarce. Better safe than sorry. After filling 14 of our largest glasses, lining them up neatly on the bar, I made my way upstairs.

I walked to my room, carefully navigating around the shrimp tank to my glass door leading to the balcony. I went to see what I could bring of use in this situation, and found two buckets. I went to my room and proceeded down the hall and made a sharp left into the bathroom. I turned on the water, and tasted it. I didn't know what I was looking for, but it was normal. I placed both bright orange buckets into the tub, and cleaned them out quickly. I went on to fill each to the brim and left them sitting in the tub. I paused and looked at the tubs. I wonder if I should leave one here, and one downstairs. Gosh, I hope I don't have to use any of this.

I went to the fire, the middle of the table legs burned through, the pieces falling over on the sides. I adjusted the wood the make a small mound. The fire started again brightly and made my face hot. I began to feel more at peace. Food and water for 3-4 days, enough wood for hours on end, protection check. I turned away from the fire to take a seat. The leather chair was facing the 55-inch flat screen TV. I paused for a moment who cares about a television now? What a bad investment. I pulled the seat towards the fire and had the chair face it. I sat, spread my feet out, and looked above the flames. The bricks surrounding the fire was dim. I could only barely make out the wooden cross that stood so tall in the room. I began to pray. God, would you be with us during this time? I ask so many rhetorical questions to God. I know you have us, and you equip us to work. Let these two factors lead us to good. Sorry for wasting so much time and money on stupid things like flat-screens and computers. What really matters when the electricity goes out? None of those. Please, let this lesson sink. Let me not waste this black-out. I went to pick up my phone. I looked at the messages. 49. All of them stating happy-birthday one way or another. God, if I were to die as a result of this, I would be thankful. Thank you for reminding me of the love I have experienced. I thought of all the messages, phone calls, emails, and social network alerts, the letter.

What a sweet way to spend a birthday. I went to my phone to say Thanks. Then the lights turned on.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Primarily, there is one thing I long for when I get to heaven.

No question, no contest; I want to embrace Jesus.

However, somewhere in between these eternal hugs, I'd like to have a cup of cloud with Jack, Chesterton, John the Baptist, and Theophilus.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

unleash every part from bondage
allow this beast to pursue glory
You and Yours only

Thank you

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi Vince!

There are parts that fuel the run until my lungs rip in my chest, and bang with a tremendous force against its cage to be released. The insanity rushes through veins and arteries, faster, harder, muscles ache and quake. I swear I could throw up all my insides, intestines and all. There are parts that tremor with madness, the emotional overflow of frustration. But this is only part, only parts I leave on iron, on track, on sand, on hills. This part, this still unbelieving part, still frustrated, still lost, the part that still longs for times now long ago. Most of me knows, most of me believes in better, but I am no perfection. Still part lives in ignorance, still parts wants to grind my body to mush in a hope to crush the most. These parts are lonesome and evil. This is a confession of sorts, I suppose. Hey Vince, help me crush these parts before they crush the most, the whole. Confusion to most, I'm sure; clarity to some I believe. Thank you, Vbo, always part of the few, helping me as a whole.

Monday, September 27, 2010

This, I pray

There is a dissatisfaction that is deep
It itches in a place I cannot reach
I want to hurl my body inside-out
inspect the sinews of my heart
and between the wrinkles of my brain

Saturday, September 25, 2010

East of Eden

A summary will soon ensue
Backwards I go
Forward I swirl
You put me in a whirl.
Will this only spin me
my life and destiny
out of control?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mark Driscoll

The cross isn't just something that was done for us;
it was done by us.

Monday, September 20, 2010

without grumble, without complaint

The word "all" is a black-hole of a word. This word sucks in every object, motionless or breathing, every situation pleasant or intolerable, lovely or painful, to every person, friendly or downright mean. Can I really, in all situations, to all people, all the time, be without grumbling and without complaint? Really, God? (note how this question itself is a form of complaining).

If God were to answer that last question, he wouldn't. I don't think God spills his words uselessly. I believe He would not repeat Himself. He already said it. Paul already wrote it. I know it in heart. It sits on my desk, just not in my heart. What doesn't sit in my heart? The command: do all things without grumbling or complaining?

Well, yes, that.

But there's also something else going on here. Before words materialize in the air between you and eye, or before the lights hit your eyes, there's is a forgetfulness in my heart that has taken place. I have forgotten something essential. I have forgotten the gospel. My condition of wretchedness, my blameworthiness. It is the reality of the God-man Jesus that has fallen from sight. His glorious life lived, his body tragically pierced with more twisted villainous rugged metals, bones, woods, whips, fists and spears than I can properly envision, and his travel from heaven to earth, from earth to hades, and hades to heaven with a brief showing in Jerusalem, these are forgotten and lost. The gospel somewhere inside flickers faint when grumbles stir and ingratitude mount. I forget my new position thanks to my resurrected Savior.

This is at work in this body of death and fire-breathing mouth: the sin of forget. I forget my First Love, and remember my trivial complaint.

Lord, forgive my forget.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Whenever it's 3AM, I think of the song by Matchbox twenty: 3AM (Piano version).
However, this morning, I am thinking of Cathy Ames' psychotic nature, Cyrus Trask's lies, the tension between Adam and Charles Trask, and the amicable nature of Samuel.

Quite frankly, this book, East of Eden is scaring the crap out of me. Perhaps its the perpetual vision of cold, indifferent stares of pretty, soft-skinned girls and hardened men with darkened scars on their brow.

I just laid in bed for two and half hours reading this, and am wondering whether to finish this book or to damn it. I wonder how in the world this out-competed Elizabeth Eliot's Passion and Purity? I was enamored by that book, and couldn't put it down a few nights ago. Darn you, Steinbeck, and your gripping murderous mysteries. They are too thrilling--too tempting. I need to guard this mind and end this rant.

James 3

My tongue
My weapon
I kill glory restlessly.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cain, Charles, and Albert

Never have I felt the sick power behind Cain's murderous blow (Genesis 4:8) until I read East of Eden (3:4).

"Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him."

"The punching continued eternally. He could hear his brother panting with the quick explosive breath of a sledgehammer man, and in the sick starlit dark he could see his brother through the tear-watered blood that flowed from his eyes. He saw the innocent, noncommittal eyes, the small smile on wet lips. And as he saw these things--a flash of light and darkness."

"The footsteps came close, slowed, moved on a little, came back. From his hiding place Adam could see only a darkness in the dark. And then a sulphur match was struck and burned a tiny blue until the wood caught, lighting his brother's face grotesquely from below. Charles raised the match and peered around, and Adam could see the hatchet in his right hand."

I do not dare say that Steinbeck's prose is some type of explicit exposition of biblical text. However, I do think that his vivid imagery and ability to capture such intensity has pierced my otherwise bland view of Adam's murder. It pronounces Cain's sin and makes my insides wrench when I think of how indifferently he denies his own blood slain.

I only fear that people like Cain, like Charles, like myself do exist. Murderous and hateful. Oh how I wish to slay every evil, hateful, murderous desire in my heart against my fellow man. Whether it be on the road in a commitment to rage, on a football field where prides collide and emotions roar, in the bedroom where fortified hurts protected for years come ripping through walls willing and able to hurt anyone with ears. Lord, keep me from reaching this hatchet of hate.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why Johnny Can't Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers

In this book by T. David Gordon, he takes the accumulated observation of many years as Christian and lesser years as a pastor and professor to critique today's pulpit. Coming from the unique perspective of a media ecologist he spoke how damaging our communicative outlets are: instant messaging, telephone, television, etc. These inadequate means of receiving and dispensing information have dampened the fire that ought to shoot forth from the preacher.

His argument may come off very blunt and harsh, but it is truth unveiled. Compassion I can get from other reads, but honesty is what I'll gladly take from this salty piece. Therefore, I have decided to take this book as an impetus to rekindle my need to read and my want to write.

I will use this blog to share what I'm reading and how they have so affected my thoughts and my life. Let us here begin.

I started East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I already feel the monstrosity that is Charles begin to frighten me whether by his alien form of aggression or the way that I may imitate him in secret. the nature of his bond with his brother, Adam, is one that intrigues me not because it is similar to the relation to my own brother but perhaps because it is so different.

It is illuminating to see how a man becomes what he is, as Steinbeck shows us how Cyrus is constructed: primarily by self-deception and his obsession over the military. His fanaticism, emotional unavailability: its wider effects on his children and Alice is something frightful. I have found myself wanting to raise my children in such a way, as brilliant athletes, militantly disciplining and shaping them to be "men". His depiction of a man that really put this in practice reminds me not to operate a family in such a way.

The most striking character for me is Samuel. After reading the first chapter about him, I remember telling myself: I want to be like that. I will let this be enough: Sam is the man.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You splashed summer into my palms
I received it like a poor man would alms

Thank you, God.
dickinson exclusively
exclusively dickinson's

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

From deserts of
mouth and mind
I drink your words
they slide down
and soak my gut
and saturate
my blood lines

it's my cells that sip
with delight
your words
I exhale gratitude
you are
more than

Monday, August 9, 2010

she gone

Quite remarkable
How days are made:
our minutes
make her hours

oh, how something so
leaves such a
lasting impression
like paragraph indentations
her words are forever

she hits me hard
in the heart muscle
soft not gentle
every time
fresh as the first

her seconds
is all i want

Sunday, July 4, 2010

spontaneous like kerouac
frustrations mount
let them boil over
on the skin of john
like water that scars
let me share
in the sufferings
of Christ on Calvary
let me have it
the thing i don't
know what i'm asking for

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The older girls were expert at building it into pompadours with ringlets at ear and nape. Sylvie crossed her legs at the ankles and read magazines. When she got sleepy she would go off to her room and take a nap, and come down to supper with her gorgeous hair rumpled and awry. Nothing could induce vanity in her.

Marilynne Robinson

Saturday, June 19, 2010

So quick, so eager
to pour that poison
on my tongue
let it dribble
off my chin
set fire to my chest
keep me warm
so shortly

fleeting are your ways
yet the habit
like cement

energize my limbs
to act the fool
speak loose
without care
without shame

I wrong so easy
right so wrongly
coerce this cadaver
into action
provide the natural
with unction

Slap the hell out of me
but gently please

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fold it into the layers of my heart,
into the wrinkles of my brain
the silent cry:
God, be merciful to me, the sinner.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

cover me

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There goes
the damn

with pressure
enter my
solar plexus

hit the
the deep

leave clean
leave quiet
scar me something sweet

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I want to stay awake forever
Humanity, drag me not down
Let me go; Lord, allow me up
Can I see how the stars taste?
Let a meteor shoot through
My brain so finite
My energy so weak
always needy
of everything
what of these supplies
are not spelled by words
were they not made by Word?

My aim is for glory eternal
Would you grant this?
I know the way up
is the way down
So this is my request
one that I know not
Keep me low
so that I may arise
By paradox
in ways unorthodox

This music shoots through this tube, right
then hits these buds in my ears
they start to shake and vibrate
into something coherent
something that makes me move and groove
i tap my foot and nod my head
these little beats
do this to me
keeps me from sleep so pleasant
to think of things so far
so distant
this length is not measured by miles
something abstract
loftier than what my mental faculties can hold
I want to stay awake and soak it all in
drink up the world
breathe in genius
spit truth
I want to catch difficulty by the throat
only to embrace him
have him sit next to me at lunch
and sleep next to me
for it is through difficulty
that I will travel the infinite
and taste the stars
I bet they taste like milk
My tongue will glow through my mouth
sparkles dribbling down my chin
licking up truth from lips
drench my mouth with this
but first drench me with difficulty

Friday, April 23, 2010


Who do you think you are?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Super Bowl Sunday

Kids scurrying on busy streets
like rats in the dark when light meets
Waiting between cars to throw the pig skin around
Hoping for a miracle:
If the saints win, I'll bring my knees to the ground
And yell Hallelujah with a mighty chest pound

Families stock piling food fit for an army of kings
Ready for the big day? they ask
You can bet on it, son, they reply
Don't forget the dip
or else your fat buddies will give you some lip

let's hurry on up with church
three thirty is almost here
we have three hours and thirty minutes left
times a tickin'!

Dear God,
Let the Colts win.

Let the beer flow
and the good times roll
dress me up
and black me out
tell me the score later
let's just get together,
and pass me a Budweiser

actually make that
a Bud lite

Make not too heavy
over too light
or else you just might
live the rest of your life
like you're too light,
when really you're so heavy
your fat butt can't go up to heav'n.

Dear God,
answer one prayer here

Help us


Note to self:


  1. John PiperJohnPiper Thank you Rick Gamache for the best sermon I ever heard on the Fatherhood of God and our adoption into it.
  2. John PiperJohnPiper
    What I did without a TV tonight: Sang with T, talked with N about the future, and read "Same Kind of Different As Me". Sweet.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Defending yourself and the decisions you've made in the past against a room full of well-educated, articulate critics in front of the whole country with composure, grace, good humor and firmness, this takes a lot of something I don't have enough of--courage.